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My Nursing Assignments

Money Back Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee

My Nursing Assignments is committed to customer satisfaction. While we provide high-quality and top-notch academic papers, we understand that some clients may still want more. That’s why our company offers a 100% money back guarantee to all clients who are not satisfied with the services we provide. We want you to feel safe while working with us, and our word means everything. Our company has branded itself in the Academic Writing industry as a transparent and integrity-focused business and we mean to keep this reputation solid. Read more about our Money Back Guarantee policy below.

I want to cancel my order

After placing an order, you may wish to edit your instructions or cancel the order entirely. In this event, contact us immediately so we can remove your order from the queue. Contacting us as soon as possible will help prevent assigning the order to available writers and save us the trouble of having to explain to the writer that the order has been terminated.

I paid for one order twice

A 100% refund is also valid in the event that client pays twice for their order. Once you realize that your account has been charged twice for the same order, contact us immediately so we can reverse the second order and credit the full amount back to your account.

I accidentally placed two identical orders

In the event that the client places two identical orders by mistake, a full refund for one of the orders is valid. Our team of administrators manually review all client orders and if they come across identical orders from the same client, a full refund is made for one of the orders.

My paper was delivered late

My Nursing Assignments strives to serve all client orders on time. We recognize client deadlines and always try to meet them. Though rare, in the event that your order was delivered past the deadline, clients are entitled to a full refund. This is, however, is not valid if the delay in the paper delivery was as a result of client interruptions or slow response to questions asked by the writer. To avoid voiding of refund claims in this capacity, we encourage all clients to remain active and keep an active contact with their writers to ensure that all clarifications are made during the writing process. Our customer support team will also try to maintain close contact with all clients and writers to ensure smooth communication of instructions. We reserve the right to terminate any orders in case we realize that the client is not co-operating with the writers assigned. It is this behavior that results in late deliveries or incomplete orders and our company will not be liable for this inconvenience whatsoever.

Satisfation Guarantee

My Nursing Assignments is dedicated to providing 100% satisfaction for all our clients. Our team of prolific researchers and experienced writers strive to provide well-written, in-depth, and high quality academic papers. We scan all papers through our intelligent plagiarism checker software prior to submission to the client. If, however, the client is still not satisfied with the quality of papers we provide, they are entitled to full refund of their money. Clients will still have the option to request free amendments to their papers to meet their specific requirements. We reserve the right to approve or reject any refund claims made due to low quality academic papers. While we want to guarantee satisfaction to all our clients, we also owe it to our writers to protect them against sadistic clients who may wish to exploit them.